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Extension Units & Extended Reading

Additional Reading for Unit Extensions and Greater Depth.
Additional materials are offered to add even greater depth and enrichment. The more a student reads and grasps in key areas, the better understanding and depth he or she will have in key concepts, and the better their arguments will become. This will make not only for a better debater but also a better citizen. It can also add to greater high school credit (see below).



Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (basic economics in an easy to understand format)


How We Live, Economic Wisdom Simplified by Fred G. Clark (short primer on basic economics, quick read)


Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt (Economic fallacies)




Understanding the Times, Abridged edition (Economics, Politics, Law, Philosophy, Ethics sections)


How Should We Then Live? By Francis Schaeffer (worldviews)




Land of Fair Play, CLP Publisher (textbook of American Civis and Government)

Keys to Good Government by David Barton (video or transcript booklet, excellent Christian perspective of government)

The Law by Frederic Bastiat (classic primer on the Law, not an easy read but a useful read)

Are you Liberal, Conservative, Confused? by Richard Maybury (basic politics in an easy to understand format)

Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today by Richard Maybury (basic political theory in an easy to understand format)

Whatever Happened to Justice by Richard Maybury (basic legal theory in an easy to understand format, longer book)

Optional: Basic American Government by Clarence Carson (excellent in depth textbook on American Government from a conservative perspective. Read especially the Supreme Court case sections. May be used to help wtih American Government CLEP).

Optional: American Government CLEP by Research Education Associations (RHEA) to prepare for American Government CLEP, secular material.

Also see our Optional Credits sheet and Club Pin Awards Policy Debate Reading List for details on how to glean additional credits and gain more club points towards mastery levels within Policy Debate.

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