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What is Apologetics

What is Apologetics?

Apologetics means "to defend" or "give answer to." Therefore apologetics seeks to provide answers to questions about the Christian faith. It will first develop the student's own faith statement then prepare the student to be able to share that faith.


To help our journey into understanding and defending our faith, we will investigate the major worldviews as they compare to Christianity. 

What is Competitive Apologetics?
The Apologetics speech is a persuasive, extemporaneous (limited preparation) speech given in response to a question raised about the Christian faith (the prompt).  

During the theory portion of the term, students receive worldview and apologetics instruction. They are also assigned research on instructor chosen prompts that challenge the Christian faith. From that research, they prepare notes on cards or worksheets to take into the competitive speech rounds. Their notes may contain quotes from experts, bible verses, factual data, or personal thoughts.  

During the competitive rounds, the students respond to their different prompt types, Apologetics challenges or worldview questions. Timed responses are presented to a judge. New prompts are used each year.

For more information please

What does Apologetics look like in our club?
Our Apologetics will remain focused on practical application rather than "gaming" techniques for wins. Real world Apologetics focuses on giving a well reasoned, well organized, but personalized and gracious answer to the question raised. To help implement this, our club will also alternate the researched prompts in competitive rounds with selections from the "Humans of New York" website. We will present these scenarios to the students, so they can respond to this person as if they met them on the street.

The person who is "curious" or "not in agreement" should never feel the apologist is smugly looking down from the height of a stellar, well polished, argument. Or worse, feel mauled by an overly aggressive or angry apologist.

Our curious unbeliever who is willing to listen needs more than "canned" answers and "flashy" rhetoric thrown at them.

They will need answers framed with truth, knowledge, and grace.

This means our students must take the time to understand:


  • The perspectives of typical non believers today....worldviews

  • Their own personal position on the issues at hand....applied doctrine

  • The skills to provide a well organized and reasoned answer with grace...apologetics

Please see our Apologetics Resources page for necessary materials and recommended resources for the Apologetics student.

Always be prepared to give an answer to every man that asks the reason for the hope that is within you.  

I Peter 3:15

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